Wednesday, November 13, 2024 “On the dramatic transformation of this country as it should be” by Mr. Yoshiaki Murakami (Investor) was held.

The Center for Management Research and the Endowed Chair for Philosophical Entrepreneurship Research at Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Business Administration hosted On the dramatic transformation of this country as it should be” by Seiaki Murakami (investor) on Wednesday, November 13, 2012 at the Clock Tower Memorial Hall.
Mr. Yoshiaki Murakami, a well-known activist investor, referred to the increase in social security expenses and the resulting fiscal burden that Japan is facing due to its declining population, and stressed the urgent need to restore fiscal soundness. He also noted that reform of the current social security system and securing stable financial resources are essential to achieving a primary balance, and pointed out the importance of measures to address the declining birthrate.
In the latter half of the session, the participants discussed with Professor Nobuo Sayama in the form of a dialogue, and the discussion was also driven by questions submitted by the participants in advance and various questions from the audience ranging from investment, career, and life advice, making it a valuable learning opportunity for the participants.
This seminar was held as the final (fourth) in a series of business seminars commemorating Professor Nobuo Sayama’s special appointment in April 2024, and was attended by 500 participants.