- Professor Jin-ichiro YAMADA
- Assistant Professor Junya YANAGI
- Adjunct Professor Mitsuyo YAMAMOTO
- Adjunct Professor Anis Uzzaman
- Adjunct Professor Yoichiro HIRANO
- Adjunct Professor Keiji IMAJO
- Adjunct Professor Yasunaga WAKABAYASHI
- Adjunct Professor Hajime TAKEBAYASHI
- Adjunct Associate Professor Masaki YAMAKAWA
- Adjunct Associate Professor Mari YOSHIDA
- Adjunct Researcher Toshihiro UENO
- Adjunct Researcher Shutaro NAMIKI

Professor Jin-ichiro YAMADA
- Specialized Fields
Entrepreneurship, Strategy, Organization Theory
- Subjects
Business Development, 経営学研究法
- Background
Received Ph.D. in Hokkaido University. Held research positions at Hokkaido University and Cranfield School of Management (UK). Held professor position in Osaka City University, and Visiting Professor post at Kyushu University, Bordeaux Management School (France) and Griffith Business School (Australia).
- Publications
- Yamada, J. and Yoshikawa, T. (2025) “Coping With Competing Role Expectations: How Do Independent Directors Make Sense of Their Role?” Journal of Management, forthcoming.
- A Systematic Bibliometric Review of the Strategic Entrepreneurship Domain, Management Research Review 2021
- The Role of Entrepreneurs’ Career Solidarity toward Innovation: An Irreplaceable Relationship in Career Capital Pyramid, the Routledge International Handbook of Innovation Education, 2013
- Entrepreneurs’ Intentions and Partnership Towards Innovation: Evidence from the Japanese Film Industry, Creativity and Innovation Management 15(3), 2006
- A multi-dimensional view of entrepreneurship: Towards a research agenda on organisation emergence, Journal of Management Development 23(4), 2004
- Message
Success and happy survival, particularly in turbulent and unpredictable environments, is driven by value and decisions anchored to management philosophy. Future of management identify people, purpose, and potential as drivers of entrepreneurship. Our lecture module offers practical suggestions in this domain.

Assistant Professor Junya YANAGI
- Specialized Fields
Critical Management Studies, Diversity Management
- Background
Ph.D. from Graduate School of Business at Osaka City University; Project Assistant Professor of Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Osaka Prefecture University; prior to the current position at Kyoto University.
- Publications
- Yanagi, J., Kawamura, N., & Yamada, J. (2020) Systematic Review of “Critical Management Studies”, Akamon Management Review, 19(6), 165-192.
- Message
We already live with people of various genders, sexualities, ethnicities, disabilities, and economic situations. In order to survive and pursue a better life for ourselves and with significant others who are somehow connected to us, let us learn and accumulate the knowledge and experiences of people from diverse backgrounds.

Adjunct Professor Mitsuyo YAMAMOTO
- Specialized Fields
General Management, Leadership, Corporate Strategy and Business Strategy, Corporate Succession and Change Management
- Subjects
Business Design
- Background
Hold a BA in Theology from Doshisha University, and an MBA from Ross School of Business and an MS from School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, in the US. Provided business consulting services to clients, and developed new businesses at a venture support consulting firm. Then, joined JOHNAN Corporation, and has became its President & CEO in 2010. A Managing Director of Kyoto Shisaku Net.
- Publications
- “A Proposal for Strategic Execution Organization” to Ross Controls in the US (2006)
- Message
I have studied the theories of corporate management, and actually have managed some corporations for approximately 20 years. Challenged by many opportunities and threats, you can learn a lot in the course of changing companies and fostering them to become an entity necessary for a society. “Effectuation” is the key ability in the current and future age, for the next business leaders. I am looking forward to learning together the ability through this course.

Adjunct Professor Anis Uzzaman
- Specialized Fields
Based in Silicon Valley, the VC firm invests in superior technologies in IT, Health IT, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Blockchain, Cloud, Big Data, FinTech, Quantum Computing, and next-generation IT technologies around the world.
- Background
Ph.D. is the Founder and CEO of Pegasus Tech Ventures. Graduated from the Department of Development Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology. D. from the Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University (currently Tokyo Metropolitan University). After working for IBM and other companies, he founded Pegasus Tech Ventures in Silicon Valley, which as of 2023 manages 39 funds with total assets under management of 300 billion yen worldwide and has a track record of promoting innovation within major corporations through partnerships with more than 35 of the world’s leading business companies.
- Publications
・“Silicon Valley Seeks Japanese Companies: The Strongest Partnership the World Envies” (Diamond Inc.), co-authored with Seiichiro Yonekura, Professor Emeritus of Hitotsubashi University.
・”Startup Bible: How to Create Silicon Valley Style Venture Companies” (Kodansha Ltd.)
・”What Do Investors Around the World Look for in Japanese Companies? (KADOKAWA)
・”What Do Global Investors See in Japanese Companies? (KADOKAWA). - Message
Global innovation is an essential growth factor for companies, and in turn, the growth of companies will pull and develop the economies of the region and Japan. I would like to play a role in connecting innovation by utilizing my experience in nurturing TOP ventures in Japan and the United States. I would like to connect these two innovation cities, Silicon Valley in the U.S. and Kyoto, and establish a more global path from Kyoto University.

Adjunct Professor Yoichiro HIRANO
- Specialized Fields
Software, Entrepreneurship, MOT, Business Management, and Leadership.
- Background
Founder President/CEO, Asteria Corporation (TSE Prime Listing)
President, Blockchain Promotion Council of Japan (BCCC)
Principal, Hitoyoshi-Kuma Nenchu Elementary School, etc.After dropping out of Kumamoto University’s Faculty of Engineering, he participated in the establishment of a software development venture. He then held marketing positions at Lotus K.K. (now IBM Japan). In 1998, he founded Infoteria (now Asteria) Inc. and became President and Representative Director (current position). Listed on TSE Mothers in 2007; listed on TSE 1st section in 2018.
From 2008 to 2011, he was a visiting professor at the graduate school of Aoyama Gakuin University in addition to his main job. - Message
Raising the software industry’s Hideo Nomo! In Japan, there are far fewer entrepreneurial ventures than in the U.S. and China, both advanced IT countries, and this is the cause of typical business challenges such as a lack of entrepreneurship, future orientation, and global perspective in the society. I would like to contribute to imagining new value through the fusion of technology and management, based on my experiences as a software engineer and in taking a start-up company public.

Adjunct Professor Keiji IMAJO
- Specialized Fields
Venture Finance, New Business Development, Business Strategy
- Subjects
Business Design
- Background
Graduated from Department of Synthetic Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University. MBA from Keio University Graduate School of Business Administration. In charge of research and development of electronic materials and new business development at Kaneka corporation. Worked as a venture capitalist at Future Venture Capital and President and CEO in 2011, retired in 2017. Currently, Outside Director of Uchida Yoko, Osaka Yuka Industry, and JOHNAN Corporation. Adjunct Professor at Kwansei Gakuin University Professional Graduate School.
- Publications
- “Possibilities and issues of creation and acceleration of venture companies” (“Area Development”, December / January 2017)
- Message
Over 15 years each as a research and development and new business development officer at a major manufacturer and a venture capitalist, and based on my experience as a listed company CEO, I will reexamine the mechanism of venture creation and open innovation, and through this course, I would like to explore the way to make Kyoto as a “Capital of the venture” in the world.

Adjunct Professor Yasunaga WAKABAYASHI
- Specialized Fields
Marketing, Distribution, Commerce, Service, Entrepreneur, Critical Thinking
- Subjects
Marketing, Contemporary Marketing Practice, Critical Thinking, Business Design, Business Leadership Program Workshop, Service and Hospitality Program Workshop, Tourism and Hospitality Management Course Workshop
- Background
Graduated from the Kyoto University Faculty and Graduate School of Economics Master’s Course, and withdrew from the Doctor’s Course. PhD (Economics). Fulltime Lecturer at the Kyoto Sangyo University School of Business Administration, Associate Professor at the Kyoto University Faculty of Economics and currently Professor at the Kyoto University Graduate School of Economics (Now). President of CIEC (Community for Innovation of Education and learning through Computers and communication networks) , Secretary-General of the Association of Product Development and Management, Chairperson of (NPO) TOC for Education Japan, and others.
- Publications
Customer Oriented Mass Marketing, Dobunkan Shuppan, 2003; “The effects of employee satisfaction on customer satisfaction in a retailer: an empirical examination in a supermarket chain” (joint authorship), Ryutsu, Japan Society for Distributive Sciences, No. 28, 2011; “Communication and Self Realization of Members in the Online Community” (joint authorship), Co-op Award 10th Journal of Subsidized Research Projects, Consumer Co-operative Institute of Japan, 2014.
- Message
Let’s consider the marketing innovations needed to realize business leadership, such as the development of market creation structures to create new businesses, re-growth of existing businesses in mature markets, global development adapted to meet host countries/regions, creative responses to changes in customer behavior due to digital social media, etc.
- Activities
Activity Database on Education and Research, Kyoto University

Adjunct Professor Hajime TAKEBAYASHI
- Specialized Fields
Business Model Marketing, Motivation Management
- Background
Major in information engineering at the Osaka Electro-Communication University. Join in Tateisi Electric Manufacturing Co. (now OMRON) after graduation. Expertise in promotion of big projects in distribution and railway industries and the launch of new business. Serve as Omron Software Representative Director and President, Omron Nogata Representative Director and President, DoCoMo Healthcare Representative Director and President, OMRON Corporation Incubation Center Director and Director of Data Trading Alliance (DTA).
- Message
Big business chance is no longer lying at the traditional extension where we were from. We are embracing a new era amid radical rebuilding of business structure and the view of the world. The ability to create new mechanism and paradigm based on the deep understanding of the essence of open-innovation and AI-incorporated latest technology is significantly important. Through this course, let’s develop this ability and deliver a new manufacturing mechanism and paradigm from Kyoto.

Adjunct Associate Professor Masaki YAMAKAWA
- Specialized Fields
M&A, Business Succession, Corporate Accounting
- Background
Certified Public Accountant. After working for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC, a tax accountant corporation in Kyoto, founded Yamakawa CPA Office.
- Message
Has experience working as an auditor, M&A, Listed Corporation auditor, assisting IPOs, and corporate tax work. My objective is to utilize my past experiences in M&A as well as business successions in order to aid the growth of venture corporations leading into the next generation.

Adjunct Associate Professor Mari YOSHIDA
- Subjects
Business Design
- Background
D. in Business Administration from Kobe University. After serving as Assistant Professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University (now Tokyo Metropolitan University), Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe University, and Associate Professor at Ritsumeikan University, he has been Associate Professor at Kobe University Graduate School of Business Administration since 2021. He specializes in marketing theory, with particular interest in the formation process of new product markets and entrepreneurial marketing as a junction area between effectuation and marketing research.
- Publications
Her main publications include “Marketing Reframing – Value is Created when Perspectives Change” (co-authored, Yuhikaku, 2012), “Digital Work Shift” (co-authored, San-Gaku-Sha, 2018), and her main translations include “Effectuation: An Effective Theory of Market Creation” (co-authored, Shuokusha, 2015).
- Massage
I have been conducting research with an interest in the process by which new markets are formed through the interaction of multiple companies and entities. In the process, I have deepened my understanding of entrepreneurial behavior that creates new opportunities and research on a mode of thinking discovered from entrepreneurs called effectuation, which I teach in an endowed chair. I enjoy meeting new people and interacting with practitioners to gain new theoretical insights.

Adjunct Researcher Toshihiro UENO
- Specialized Fields
Regional Economics, Regional industrial system, Small Business Management, Regional Policy
- Subjects
Business Design
- Background
Graduated from the Ryukoku University Graduate School of Policy Science Master’s Course, and the Doctor’s Course. PhD (Policy Science). Contract Researcher of Research Centre for the Local Public Human Resources and Policy Development, and others.
- Publications
“Management of SMEs Network Organization and Regional Industrial System” Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Human Resources, Doyukan, 2019
- Message
I study the development of production systems in which human and robot collaborate, the development of Regional industrial system from the perspective of Strategic Management and Regional Economics. I am looking forward to working with you to create value.

Adjunct Researcher Shutaro NAMIKI
- Specialized Fields
Regional policies, urban policies, social enterprises
- Background
B.A. in Economics, Yokohama National University, M.A. in Economics, Ph. D. in Policy Studies. D. in policy studies. He is a researcher at the Yunus Social Business Research Center of Ryukoku University, a visiting researcher at the Research Center for Regional Public Human Resources and Policy Development of Ryukoku University, and a member of the evaluation committee of the National Association of the Deafblind, among others.
- Publications
- Urban Regeneration in the Industrial City Rotterdam: An Integrated Analysis of Regional Employment, Job Training, and Housing Policies
- Regional Study Association Winter Conference “How ESG Certification and Impact Finance Can Promote Local Sustainability: Evidence from SMEs in Kansai”,2023, etc.
- Message
I study the creation of new jobs and workers in local communities from the perspective of the local economy. Through the research and practice of the course, I would like to consider mechanisms and mechanisms to organically and integrally solve various problems of local communities and create impact through the creation of “new hands” in the local society and economy.