(First half) The first semester intensive course “Ethical Entrepreneurship” has started.

On August 31, the first semester intensive course “Ethical Entrepreneurship” started. This article reports on the first half of the course. (Click here for the second half: https://www.pes.gsm.kyoto-u.ac.jp/news/635/)
As many social issues and social problems have emerged in recent years, there is a social need to think from an ethical perspective about how entrepreneurs can confront these issues. In this lecture, we will discuss how entrepreneurs can solve social issues and also look at the problem of entrepreneurs expanding and reproducing social issues.
We will consider how organizations and systems, including corporations, have become complicit in discrete and concrete social issues such as the reproduction of inequality, gender-based discrimination and stigma based on specific sexualities and ethnicities, and the use of non-sustainable natural environments, and how entrepreneurs can be change-oriented and socially engaged in response to these issues.
DAY1(Aug. 31)
What is Social (SE) and Ethical Entrepreneurship (EE)?
Lecturers: Jin-ichiro Yamada, Junya Yanagi, Eko Yokoyama
Takashi Hanzawa (Representative of Borderless Academy, Borderless Japan Co.)
Second period: Social and Ethical Entrepreneurship <Yamada & Yokoyama>
・ Prologue
・What is Social (SE) and Ethical Entrepreneurship (EE)?
・What is the significance of conceptualization? What is the impact on society?
・SE Types and Type Crisis
Third period: Borderless Japan Case Study <Hanzawa>
・Case studies, and what we have considered in the development of our business
・The process and the best part of social entrepreneurship
・ Confusions and challenges
Fourth period: Q&A, discussion based on issues, review lecture <Yokoyama, Hanzawa, & Yamada>
・What are the possibilities and challenges for the SE and EE lenses?
DAY2(Sep. 2)
Main Lecturers: Kanji Tanimoto, Professor, School of Commerce, Waseda University
Second period: Concept of Sustainability I (Creation) <Tanimoto>
Third period: Concept of Sustainability II (throw away) <Tanimoto>
Fourth period: Social Businesses Addressing Sustainability Issues <Tanimoto>
DAY3(Sep. 5)
Main Lecturers: Junya Yanagi
Hidehiko Tanaka (Associate Professor, Seian Zokei University)
Second period:The Life of Women Entrepreneurs as Minorities〈Yanagi & Tanaka〉
・Review of the previous day
・Don’t Other-ize “Social” and “Ethical”.
・Women and Minority Entrepreneurs in Japan
・A Classroom Reading of “A Woman’s Life” – Japanese Society before, during, and after World War II
Third period: Giving Voice to the Words of Women Entrepreneurs – Reading the Play “A Woman’s Life(1)〈Yanagi & Tanaka〉
Fourth period: Giving Voice to the Words of Women Entrepreneurs – Reading the Play “A Woman’s Life(2)〈Yanagi & Tanaka〉
・Don’t Other-ize “Social” and “Ethical”.
・Women and Minority Entrepreneurs in Japan
・A Classroom Reading of “A Woman’s Life” – Japanese Society before, during, and after World War II