Anis UZZAMAN “M&A Strategies and Innovations to Leverage Startups: Technology Entrepreneurship to Reinvigorate Large Corporations.”

Date and Time: May 21, 2024. 10:30 – 12:00 a.m.
Place:京都大学 国際科学イノベーション棟5階 イノベーションホール
Founder and CEO of Pegasus TechVentures (and Kyoto Univ Professor), Anis Uzzaman, will give a lecture on opportunity recognition in entrepreneurship and positioning in a global context.
Having studied in Japan, succeeded in the U.S., and produced many successful large scale business creation projects as an investor, Dr. Uzzaman will discuss the meaning, challenges, and opportunities of starting a business from Japan in the context of a major shift in the perception of the times in the U.S. and Japan. You will learn how top trends such as M&A strategies to leverage the latest technologies and startups as seen from Silicon Valley will develop in the future, and what kind of history you should understand.
京都大学 国際科学イノベーション棟
5F イノベーションホール
【How to apply】
Please apply for “Seminar Ticket” from the following website.
【Contact information】
哲学的企業家研究寄附講座(佐野 具子)sano.tomoko.5e※
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