May 21, 2024. An open seminar was held by Anis Uzzaman.

The Endowed Chair in Philosophical Entrepreneurial Studies hosted a lecture by Anis Uzzaman of Pegasus Tech Ventures on “M&A Strategies and Innovation Using Startups: Technology Entrepreneurship to Reinvigorate Large Companies.
Anis Uzzaman is the Founder and CEO of Pegasus Tech Ventures and has made numerous venture investments and launched corporate venture capital firms.
In his speech, he compared the market capitalization of Japanese and U.S. companies and discussed the importance of venture investment for the creation of innovation in large companies, noting the trends in M&A investment. He also mentioned a case study of a manufacturing company that created a new business through matching by CVC, emphasizing the potential for collaboration between large companies and ventures that goes beyond investment alone.
Many corporate participants joined the QA session, where questions were raised about the challenges for large Japanese companies to engage in CVC and the synergy effects with venture companies, and a lively discussion ensued.